Year: 2023
Consensus needed on when global warming reaches 1.5°C, say scientists
Trick prompts ChatGPT to leak private data
What Would Happen If Everyone Suddenly Stopped Eating Meat?
HEARTBREAKING | If I blink in real life, time passes in game! | Before Your Eyes (Full Playthrough)
Tyrian purple: The lost ancient pigment that was more valuable than gold
İspanyol Yapay Zeka Modeli Aitana Lopez, Ayda 3.000 Euro Kazanıyor
Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk: Ruh Kanserini Yenmek
Why is water important? Glossary: instinct and matter
Bilinçli cehalet: İnsanların %40’ı bilgisiz kalmayı, bilerek tercih etmektedir…