Belgesel, Bilim, Kişiler, Oyun, Sağlık, Sanat, Sinema, Teknoloji 09.06.2023 Zeynep 09/06/2023 The Darkness of Downtown by Skorble on DeviantArt Scientists create robotic finger with ‘living skin’ • FRANCE 24 English Whiplash vs. Black Swan — The Anatomy of the Obsessed Artist ‘Alien’ Games That Will Actually Scare You I’m a Sociopath. Ask Me Anything. The A.I. Race Yaşadığı Çağı Değiştiren Bir Bilim İnsanı: Cavid Erginsoy Türk Edebiyatı’nın Ressam Şairleri Tags: alien games, antisocial personality disorder, artificial intelligence, black swan, cavid erginsoy, robot, skin, sociopath, the a.i. race, whiplash Share: